Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's a Happy Day!

Today is the first ever International Day of Happiness declared by the UN. I don't often get too personal in my blog post but this is something close to home. I think it's really important to focus on your happiness and to do what ever it takes to make that happen. Sometimes its easier said than done and having seen my family members affected by Mental Illness I know it can be challenging. I guess i'm blogging about this to have my little say and show that I am supporting all these social awareness initiatives (especially when it comes to mental health as we often ignore it, don't talk about it or are scared of anything that isn't the norm). Having studied a Masters in Advertising and PR with a minor in marketing with a particular interest in social marketing I am all for making everyone aware of doing something good, whether it's starting by doing something good for yourself and then building from there - we all have to start somewhere. 

So Happy International Day of Happiness! 

The photo below I took this morning, it was such an amazing sunrise looking towards Bondi Beach how could this not make you happy today!
For some further reading on this check out the post by Huffington Post.